Many watercolorists having spent much time painting landscapes, townscapes and general views are looking for alternative subjects. Watercolour in Close-up offers advice on how to find and paint another class of subject matter from extreme close up to what a photographer might call medium close-up. John Lidzey will teach you how to paint rust and peeling paint work from close range, how to sketch the rigging on a fishing boat or how to paint children on the sea shore. The range of close up subject matter is vast and can be found in the country, towns, the seashore or in the home.
Lidzey will show you how to paint flowers in interiors or in the garden - how to make a hanging basket colourful yet mysterious. How to create a watercolour of seabirds which has a quality of life and movement. Paintings the sea crashing against rocks or breakwaters can be difficult but there are easy ways of creating stormy effects (see the section devoted to the seashore).
Lidzey is noted for his moody interiors. He will show how painting interior subjects in close-up can result in either watercolour of realism or on the margins of likeness. A figure in a bedroom can be painted in half light having an enigmatic quality of the half explained. Whatever your interest or however you like to paint you will find that in this book there is much, much more in terms of ideas and techniques than can be listed in this short description.
Watercolour in Close-up also contains information on materials: paints, brushes, papers, tools and materials. Following this section a range of useful techniques are demonstrated: wet-in-wet painting, how to lift out paint, use of masking fluid, creating textures and more besides.
For those wishing to develop their techniques even more the last section in the book explains other methods of working which can lead to exciting watercolours of creativity and originality.

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